Future Arts Centres

Associate Member

Future Arts Centres

Future Arts Centres (FAC) is an affiliation of nine founding partners that support a wider network of 100+ arts centres across the UK. Future Arts Centres was established in 2013 with the following objectives:

  • to create a unifying leadership voice for a national partnership of arts centres and their unique artistic and social contribution to the cultural and civic life of towns and cities in England
  • to advocate for sustained and increased investment in arts centres
  • to ensure arts centres are part of ‘conversations’ about art form development and funding priorities
  • to develop new, artistically driven, collaborative partnerships models
  • to explore business collaborations that innovate and support sustainability.

FAC’s nine founding partners are: ARC Stockton; artsdepot; Brewery Arts Centre; Cambridge Junction; Lincoln Drill Hall; mac, Birmingham; Rich Mix; Stratford Circus; and The Albany. The wider FAC membership includes arts centres from across the UK, representing small, medium and large-scale centres from both urban and rural areas.

What makes your organisation unique?

Future Arts Centres is the only network of independent cultural centres in the UK.

  • Work areas
  • MusicNotesSimple Music
  • Theatre / Performance
  • Circus
  • Dance
  • MaskHappy Visual Arts
  • Multimedia and interactive Arts
  • Movie Film
  • Crafts
  • Literature
  • Palette Art residencies
  • Education
  • Community and Relational Arts
  • Democratic and civil society development
  • Entrepreneurship

  • Activities
  • Research
  • Leaf Distribution
  • Education and Training
  • International advocacy

  • TEH Membership