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FORT! is a former military fort from 1856, that is today a public and open space of 7 hectares for arts and culture. There are 25 associations working and creating daily here: architects, graphic designers, painters, theatre schools, music schools, concert halls… etc. In order to transform the fort into a creative, artistic and welcoming space, the 25 associations gathered into one collegiate association, and together through this structure they design projects with their neighbors: a sheepfold, an edible garden, a creative picnic structure, a colorful and unique football court, a musical playground…

Whatever the project, they must answer to three criteria and be:
– creative and artistic: at least one artist must always be working on the project;
– inclusive: neighbors and families must always participate in the project, from the idea’s conception to construction;
– respectful of the environment;

The particularity of the centre is that the projects are co-constructed and co-developed with the municipality.
The municipality owns the Fort, but the collegiate association runs it.
The municipality is a member, as well as the 25 structures, of the collegiate association.
All decisions are made together: one voice for each association, including the municipality!
Once a month, all the structures meet and discuss the projects and how to keep developing and transforming the centre!

What makes their organisation unique?

The governance of FORT! and their relationship with the municipality. The building is owned by the municipality, but the collegiate association (that gathers 25 associations) runs the centre. The residents don’t pay any rent, nor bills. The centre is co-developed and co-transformed with the municipality. All decisions are made together !

What TEH activities are they a part of?

Cultural and Creative Spaces and Cities

  • Facilities
  • MusicNotesSimple Small Concert hall (audience capacity: less than 300)
  • Large Concert Hall (audience capacity: more than 300)
  • Factory Multifunction Hall
  • MaskHappy Small Theatre (audience capacity: less than 200)
  • Art Gallery
  • Conference Room
  • Meeting Room
  • Workshop room
  • Artists Studio
  • Music Recording Studio
  • Multimedia or Audiovisual Studio
  • Playground
  • Coffee Café / Bar
  • Restaurant
  • Co-working Space
  • Maker Space
  • Arts / Creative / Business / Social Incubator
  • Community Areas
  • Multi-purpose Space
  • Courtyard
  • Garden

  • Work areas
  • Gastronomy
  • Leaf Ecology and Sustainability
  • MusicNotesSimple Music
  • Theatre / Performance
  • MaskHappy Visual Arts
  • Democratic and civil society development
  • Community and Relational Arts
  • Technology
  • Software
  • IT and Gaming
  • Architecture and Urbanism
  • Palette Art residencies
  • Fashion
  • Design
  • Advertisement and Marketing
  • Media (Radio & TV)
  • Publishing
  • Literature
  • Crafts
  • Multimedia and interactive Arts
  • Movie Film

  • Activities
  • Exhibition and Programming
  • Mediation

  • Former use of space
  • Military Structure

  • TEH Membership