DIY Space Project

Associate Member

DIY Space Project

Long Winter launched its DIY Space Project as part of an international festival and conference in 2021, in response to issues of space scarcity in Toronto. Locally focused, internationally informed, the Space Project is a direct intervention in support of the preservation and stimulation of self-organized, alternative culture. We are working for urgent results and long-term shifts. From a city-wide open call and juried process, three collectives seeking access to space were selected for participation. Collectives are paired with a neighbourhood-focused cross-sector advisory group to support them in their journey to find, secure, or sustain new spaces. Advisory groups are curated in coordination with the applicant, based on individual context. Members are drawn from spheres ranging from research, urban planning, real estate, building ownership and operation, and government. The experience is documented to inform policy and opportunities for alternative cultural and social spaces, in Toronto and elsewhere. Our participating collectives are: Hearth – RISE – Our Women’s Voices – The DIY Space Project is an associate member of project partner Trans Europe Halles. In May of 2022 delegates from The Space Project attended the network’s annual conference, and participated in a multi-venue, multi-city tour in Prague, Amsterdam, and Berlin. We met and exchanged with community-run spaces, advocacy networks, and government officials engaged in grassroots space policy. We experienced new models, built connections, and compared environments and challenges. In each city, government officials from Toronto and the host municipality exchanged contexts, advancements, and best practices.

  • Facilities
  • Multimedia or Audiovisual Studio

  • Work areas
  • MusicNotesSimple Music
  • Dance
  • MaskHappy Visual Arts
  • Multimedia and interactive Arts
  • Publishing
  • Architecture and Urbanism
  • Palette Art residencies
  • Education
  • Community and Relational Arts

  • Activities
  • Research
  • Production
  • Exhibition and Programming
  • Education and Training
  • National advocacy
  • International advocacy

  • TEH Membership