TEH Member News – March/April

Our members are always active and have a lot to share with you… CulturePolis /…
Published on March 6, 2019

Our members are always active and have a lot to share with you…

CulturePolis / Corfu, Greece

CulturePolis is presenting its COSME funded project DIVERTIMENTO on 19 March 2019 in Brussels at “Showcase Conference on Tourism – Tourism SMEs Connecting Europe”.
DIVERTIMENTO is the EU-supported project that aims to diversify tourism offers in peripheral destinations with heritage-based products and services. The project works to strengthen stakeholder alliances and improve the professional skills of local operators. The final product – Trilogy is a series of games to promote 70 destinations with distinctive cultural identity and heritage through the use of new technologies. So far the Trilogy is completed by 7 Heritage Games at 7 heritage places.

Izolyatsia / Kyiv, Ukraine

In May 2018, the European Commission published A New Agenda for Culture. The New Agenda proposes more direct action in relation to the mobility of artists and culture professionals. In this context, Goethe-Institut, Institut Français, Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts and IZOLYATSIA will be launching a pilot mobility scheme for artists and culture professionals in April 2019.
A pilot mobility platform will allow 500 artists and/or culture professionals to take part in this experimental program which will test different mobility durations for various professional purposes over the course of six months. Between April 2019 and September 2019 candidates can apply for support to work abroad (within the countries mentioned under the Creative Europe programme) from 15 to 85 days. More information on the project and the deadlines will follow on the mobility platform website in April 2019.
For more information, please send an email to Eva.Blaute.extern@goethe.de.

Bakelit / Budapest, Hungary

Bakelit has the space for your creative ideas

Bakelit announces its annual open call for Hungarian and international companies, performers and fine artists. It will provide space, infrastructure and an opportunity for them to introduce their work. The goal is to offer space of creation and performance for alternative, independent and experimental artists and to showcase quality performances without any restriction of genre.
For the season 2019/2020, the centre would like to invite productions from their neighbours. The aim is to strengthen the artistic connection and network between Hungary and all countries around it. Individual and group applications are welcome, there are no restrictions at all concerning the genre of submitted works.

Deadline: 31 March 2019

What Bakelit provides

Stage and rehearsal rooms (for 3 days between Monday and Thursday)
Room and board (3 days/ 2 nights)
Technical equipment and staff
Photo and video documentation of your presented show
Commission depending on ticket sales (according to agreement)
The possibility to network with Bakelit’s international partners all around Europe

How to apply
Please send the following documents to international@bmac.hu

synopsis (min. 2000 characters)
detailed technical rider
the number of traveling people (even though Bakelit cannot cover travel costs, it can assist in finding grants if needed)
video link (full performance if possible) and a short trailer
photo documentation (min. 2 high-resolution pictures with credits)

For more information, please send an email to international@bmac.hu.

Pro Rodopi Art Centre / Bostina, Bulgaria

Pro Rodopi Art Centre (PRAC) from Bulgaria has recently collaborated with Staffan Bjorklunds Theatre from Sweden on the visual physical production for youngsters and adults – Homo Ludens.
The highly acclaimed Bulgarian theatre director Petar Todorov worked with the well known Swedish artists Staffan Bjorklund and Enid Bjorklund on the piece together with the Danish composer Lars Fjeldmose and the Danish cabaret and circus star Nils Fjeldmose. Homo Ludens is a surprising theatre experience full of joy and emotional thoughts about the relation of mankind and the world. Later in 2019, the piece will be performed at the festivals in St. Petersburg (Russia), Kiev (Ukraine) and Smolyan and Bourgas (Bulgaria).

TEH centres are invited to collaborate with PRAC on presentation of Homo Ludens across Europe.

Interested, then please send an email to prf@prac.biz.

Photo credits:
CulturePolis – Konstantina Korameri; IZOLYATSIA – Mykhailo Glubokyi; Bakelit -M.A.C.