Organisational Development Session in Innsbruck

Fuck Gains for Pain What if coming to work would charge your batteries instead of…
Published on March 6, 2019

Fuck Gains for Pain

What if coming to work would charge your batteries instead of draining them? What if your passions were nurtured rather than exploited or pushed aside?
Trans Europe Halles and Die Bäckerei are starting a new project. It will focus on creating conditions we need to thrive within our organisations. The project will span over one year and result in the development of a diagnostic toolkit to be used by everyone in the network.
As we all know, starting a cultural centre is very different from maintaining one. The following project aims to explore how we can keep initial motivation and energy. Together we will learn how we can create organisations that keep us engaged. We will also discuss how we can protect ourselves from burnouts that are so common in the sector.
In Die Bäckerei, we have been working a lot on these questions. Now we want to share our methods and learn from others. Together with other participants, we want to work on ideas and examples to develop a simple toolkit accessible to everyone.
The first meeting takes place on 27-29 June in a picturesque location in the Alps (hosted by Die Bäckerei). We are inviting 5 cultural centres to join us there. This event will be the beginning of ongoing communication and development.

How we will do this

Facilitated by Shawn and Florian from Die Bäckerei, participants will:

· Build multi-sensory sculptures to describe the inner structure of their organisations
· Use timeline-building to define their journey so far
· Do energy mapping to identify where they draw their energy from and what they use it for
· Explore existing methods that are worth borrowing for their own purposes
· Together build a simple diagnostic tool to use in everyday work
· Have a Q&A session with an expert in organisational development

At the end of the event, participants will be able to take back with them a pool of new ideas and a simple diagnostic tool to assess their organisations.
The project team (Shawn and Florian) will follow up with regular Skype meetings for progress and introspection and a two-day visit of the culture centre to go into detail about its inner structure, values and methods.
The collected data will be shared and further developed at the TEH meetings over the year. Insights, actionable research and methods will be turned into a creative and easy-to-use toolkit for everyone in the network to apply and build on.

A few words about the host

Die Bäckerei is an independent cultural centre from Innsbruck, Austria. As a dynamic space, it brings together aspects of communication, production, and presentation. Die Bäckerei is a space that cannot be precisely defined but is created by its users, the dynamic core of the facility.
The participants of the session will be able to learn more about the centre and its work during their stay.

Practical information

Venue: Die Bäckerei – Kulturbackstube
Venue address: Dreiheiligenstrasse 21a in 6020 Innsbruck
How to get there
Either via Innsbruck airport and then on the busline F (stops right in front of Die Bäckerei) or via train (the train station is in a walking distance).
You can also fly to Munich airport (often cheaper flights) and then take the Flixbus or train to Innsbruck.


Gasthof Neupradl – a simple old-school boardinghouse
7min walking distance, 51€ for single, 88€ for double, only 5 rooms available
Hotel Nala – a modern nice hotel
20min walking distance or 7min by tram, rooms starting from 90€ for single
Hotel Leipzigerhof – a four-star hotel
7mins walking distance, rooms starting from 88€ for single.

Entrance fees

The event is free of charge. There will be affordable meals available at the venue.
There is a possibility to apply for a travel grant. Please, contact Michel Quéré for more information.
Interested? Then hesitate no more and join us in Innsbruck this summer!


Herbert Salzmann

After studying humanities and social sciences in Innsbruck and Freiburg, Herbert Salzmann trained in organisational development and management in 1990. He has a long experience in consulting and specialises in coaching and business mediation. He gives lectures and seminars on leadership, coaching and organisational development. He has released several publications on the subject and teaches regularly.


If you have questions or need help with your registration, contact Michel Quéré, Florian Ladstätter, and Shawn Antoni Wright. Organisational Session in Innsbruck is a part of the project Factories of Imagination, which is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

Photo credits: Foto: Natália Zajačiková