Member’s News

Põhjala factory Black Food Festival that shaded Berlin, London and even New York has set…
Published on Jan. 15, 2020

Põhjala factory

Black Food Festival that shaded Berlin, London and even New York has set its course to Tallinn and will arrive 21st of November at Põhjala factory, Marati 5a, Tallinn, Estonia.

Yes, Black Food Festival offers you a bazillion kinds of black food, but why stop there. Why not fill this dark November evening with black clothes, black design, black art and black games. Even music can be black. It is a festival after all…

For more information click here.

Cable Factory/Kaapelitehdas

Kiinteistö Oy Kaapelitalo buys the former headquarters of Orion

Kiinteistö Oy Kaapelitalo, which operates the cultural centres of Cable Factory and Suvilahti, will acquire the former headquarters and pharmaceutical factory of Orion located on Nilsiänkatu 10 in Vallila. Following the acquisition, the company will manage nearly 100,000 square meters of former industrial properties in Helsinki.

The property on Nilsiänkatu 10 was built between 1934 and 1945. It has five office floors and two basement floors with a total floor space of approximately 17,000 square meters. With the acquisition, approximately 250 tenants within mainly the field of arts and culture as well as staff consisting of three persons currently working in the property are transferred to Kiinteistö Oy Kaapelitalo. The current leasing activity in the property will continue unchanged.

‘’ We were offered the opportunity to buy a property that fits our profile and our strategy. With this transaction, we are able to spread our operations alongside Ruoholahti and Suvilahti to Vallila and ensure that cultural activities will continue in this valuable industrial property’’ – says Kai Huotari, CEO of Kiinteistö Oy Kaapelitalo.

Kiinteistö Oy Kaapelitalo is a real estate company owned by the City of Helsinki. It renovates and leases old industrial buildings for arts, culture and creative industries. Since 1992, the company has owned and managed Ruoholahti-based Cable Factory, which is the largest cultural centre in Finland. Since 2008, the company has also owned the old power generation area in Suvilahti, known for many public events and festivals.

With the acquisition of Nilsiänkatu 10, Kiinteistö Oy Kaapelitalo manages nearly 100,000 square meters in three different locations around Helsinki. In addition, Dance House Helsinki is under construction at the northeastern end of the Cable Factory. It is to be completed in 2021.


This stage is our world: STRAZE crowdfunding

During the last years, thanks to the hundreds of supporters and volunteers, STRAZE has become a safe place for people and initiatives who want to be actively involved in shaping culture and community (not only) in Greifswald. Take a look at Straze’s Facebook account, if you would like to see the progress of the construction.

The heart of STRAZE is a big public hall which has played various roles throughout its history. It was used as a place for theatre and circus performances, as a dance and sports hall and refugee shelter. This heart is not beating now and STRAZE’s team is working every day to bring it back alive. Their dream is to create a hall which will be the place that connects people who want to make a difference. A place that adds weight to their arguments and allows them to be heard. The house has a new roof and isolation. At this moment, STRAZE continues with the reconstruction of the backstage areas. But for the next stage, they will need your help.

As the next part of the ongoing reconstruction, STRAZE would like to reconstruct the stage and the historical gallery from which the activities on the stage can be watched. The stage and the gallery both need reconstruction of their floor. They would like to build the floor from wooden boards to create an authentic historical experience. Every donation will bring them closer to opening this space for you. When the hall will be open, you will have a chance not only to be in the audience but also create your own independent cultural programme inside STRAZE. Thank you for your support!

Check out their Crowdfunding Campaign here.


The Net is Working – Volunteer and Human Rights Education Conference

Turbina Pomerania is an international volunteering initiative and part of the STRAZE (Kultur- und Initiativenhaus Greifswald e.V.). Their international volunteer and human rights project “S.P.I.D.E.R. – Weaving The European Web ” is now entering its third and last year of the project. In April 2020, STRAZE would like to invite you to sum up and evaluate the project with us, create new projects, network, exchange ideas, learn and celebrate together.

Thus, STRAZE cordially invites you to come to Greifswald:

  • for the Partner Workshop on April 18-19, 2020 (networking, future cooperation planning, study visits to successful organisations working with volunteers) and right afterwards
  • for the The Net is Working – Volunteer and Human Rights Education Conference, April 20-22, 2020 (workshops and events on human rights and human rights education, sharing best practices of local and international volunteering, wider networking, meeting local community).

For more information and registration click here.


Open call for project-ideas for the fifth edition of PREMIO IMAGONIRMIA

Wanted and financed by the Mantoni family, in memory of their daughter Elena in favor of the artistic research, for the arts of the present. The call is curated by Associazione Culturale IMAGONIRMIA di Elena Mantoni.

Application is free and the participation is open to artists without any restriction of age and disciplines.

The winning idea-project will get:

  1. 1.500€ cash prize
  2. 2-weeks-residence in Modena, in a period between 1 June – 31 July 2020.
  3. Travel expenses coverage
  4. Pocket money
  5. Curatorial support
  6. Paper publication «Quaderni di Imagonirmia», Viaindustriae publishing
  7. Public presentation of the outcomes of the residency and Quaderno.

Application Deadline – 2 February 2020.

Learn more and apply here.


After we were forced to leave our old space “magazzino 22” we had to move all our supplies, some of which are rather voluminous and fragile. this caused a considerable financial commitment for the association.

These objects are part of the history of both our association and our territory: we have in fact always been committed to the safeguarding of the local industrial heritage. (one of these objects is the conveyor belt of the first picture).

Since we cannot keep anymore the aforementioned supplies in the storage unit, where they were located after the eviction, we have to move again all the objects. This entails an expense of 1000 euros.

At the moment we are focused on continuing the core activities of our association by planning the artistic and cultural events for the upcoming months. This is why we cannot afford the expense.

It’s for this reason we are asking for your help with a donation. In exchange, we have some small gifts that donors can pick up during our events or during next TEH meeting.

Learn More and Donate Here.