Members’ News – March

1.) Pro Rodopi Art Centre In November 2019 Pro Rodopi Art Centre celebrated 15 years…
Published on March 12, 2020

1.) Pro Rodopi Art Centre

In November 2019 Pro Rodopi Art Centre celebrated 15 years of its activities with the newest project created in the Centre ‘The Concert’. The project was subsidized by Plovdiv 2019-European Capital of Culture, and it was part of its official programme.

‘The Concert’ was already presented in Sweden last year. In 2020 the production got two confirmed invitations from Turkey – festivals in Izmir in March and in Eskisehir in June and from Bulgaria. They are also waiting for confirmation from a few more countries.


INKONST is planning the Experimental Music Festival INTONAL 2020. It will take place on 23-26 of April.

”A sanctuary for experimental minds and bodies in motion.

There’s a common misconception that the reactionary forces now sweeping Europe and Sweden don’t really care about culture. On the contrary, art, music, literature and the performing arts have historically always been of great importance to authoritarian movements. These expressions of human imagination and curiosity must be tamed and transformed into something wholesome and useful. Cost-efficient and inoffensive, at the very least.

Yeah, we’re not really any of that. And for that very reason, we’ll keep doing this festival in Malmö for as long as we’re physically able. The effects of gentrification and cultural conformity have struck this city like a plague. But there are still breeding grounds for creativity and artistic dreams. Safe havens for freaks and eccentrics. And once a year we roll out Intonal for their sake. For our sake. An example of what still can be achieved in this city if you don’t listen to sense.

Join us and tell your grandkids what we did together. There’s a good chance they won’t believe you.” Get your ticket to the festival here.

3.) Associazione Oltre…

International Soup Festival – Bologna 2020

Born in France in 2001, this unique international street festival is also held every year in the outskirts of Bologna. This initiative is entirely based on gratuity, considering the soup as a pretext for socializing and communicating messages. The soup is in fact the only dish common to all peoples and all cultures, it has poor and popular origins and it can be reinvented in endless possible ways.

The soup becomes a symbol of cultural crossbreeding, spontaneous conviviality, and enhancement and reappropriation of urban spaces by citizens. But the soup is also a pretext for a reflection on the redevelopment of the street and the urban space in general as a place of possible socio-cultural activists actions, through participation and active citizenship. Finally, the Soup (and the micro-events before it) offers many associations the opportunity to work together, creating innovative synergies.

The Grand Soup Festival is international: the production of collective representations of the city as a dynamic, open and intercultural space of pacific coexistence is a common element to similar events in France, Belgium, Spain, Poland, Germany…

The International Soup Festival of Bologna will take place on April 19, in the Pier Paolo Pasolini Park, in the popular neighbourhood called Pilastro.

4.) Hablarenarte


27 – 30 March 2020*

Activity postponed, new date to be confirmed

Curated by the curatorial collective CampoBase, House of Displacement Barcelona is a four-day festival that takes place in the Poblenou neighborhood on 27-30 March. The program tackles the issue of displacement, understood as a shared contemporary experience, adopting an immersive and participatory approach. House of Displacement Barcelona is a project carried out during the Encura IV residency, organized by and hablarenarte with the support of Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte and Fundación Banco Sabadell.

The participating artists in House of Displacement Barcelona are:

Lucía Egaña Rojas (Münster, Chile)
La Más Bella (Pepe Murciego & Diego Ortiz, Madrid)
Sofía Montenegro (Madrid)
Anna Irina Russell (Barcelona)

For more details email: and check out Curator’s Network website.

5.) Ifö Center

Ifö Center in southern Sweden invites visual artists, circus artists and dancers from all countries to apply for a residency period in 2020. The residency programs provide artists with free studio space and free accommodation. Depending on funding, they may also be able to support travel costs and per diem this year. Please contact Teresa at or phone us at +46 708 740562 if you have any questions.

Ifö Center is located in an old ceramic factory next to a beautiful lake. The studios are large and Ifö Center can be reached with a local train from Copenhagen Airport in 2 hours. Accommodation in villa, short walking distance from train station and studios. Welcome!


6.) Komunika Bitamine

Bidasoa Art Residency 2020.

”The aim of this call is to update the design of a traditional object present in the Basque culture. In this way, we contribute on the one hand, to research and the eventual recovery of traditional customs and on the other hand, to an adaptation, renewal and reinterpretation from the point of view of contemporary design.  We would like to establish new relationships with our history and to expand the lines of research and the action fields of design.

This call is opened to any person or legal entity of any age (students, professionals or collectives) in the design field (industrial and product design, architecture, engineering, fine arts, etc.) from any country. Participation in the competition is free.”

More information



The Net is Working – Volunteer and Human Rights Education Conference

Turbina Pomerania is an international volunteering initiative and part of the STRAZE (Kultur- und Initiativenhaus Greifswald e.V.). Our international volunteer and human rights project “S.P.I.D.E.R. – Weaving The European Web ” is now entering its third and last project year. In April 2020, we would like to invite you to sum up and evaluate the project with us, create new projects, network, exchange ideas, learn and celebrate together.

Thus, we cordially invite you to come to Greifswald:

  • for the Partner Workshop on April 18-19, 2020 (networking, future cooperation planning, study visits to successful organisations working with volunteers) and right afterwards
  • for The Net is Working – Volunteer and Human Rights Education Conference, April 20-22, 2020 (workshops and events on human rights and human rights education, sharing best practices of local and international volunteering, wider networking, meeting local community).

For more information and registration info click here.


8.) CADS

Sheffield (UK) based organisation, Tickets for Good, show great potential in improving mental well-being

Ticket Bank is an online ticket donation service from  Tickets for Good. Event organisers can pledge spare tickets to the website to be distributed for free by charities and local community groups.

Tickets for Good aims to improve the mental health and wellbeing of people while also increasing social inclusion and audience diversity at events. It also aims to support community participation through access to events.

So far, Tickets for Good have donated over 1,500 tickets to individuals through various charity and social inclusion organisations.


9.) Fabrika Tbilisi

Art Up | Street Gallery and Fabrika became members and partners of F-Orma, an exhibition network formed of independent national and international creative players, which host, curate, promote and disseminate projects by young, up-and-coming artists. F-Orma’s partner exhibition spaces are – Burgos, Spain. Espacio Tangente The Contemporary Arts Creation Centre ESPACIO TANGENTE develops its activities in the city of Burgos since July 2001.

A large multifunctional space includes a gallery “La Sala Negra” dedicated to installations, performances and art exhibitions. Pisa, Italy – Cantiere SanBernardo. Cantiere Sanbernardo is a cultural association having its premises in a converted XV century church in the historical center of Pisa It promotes and offers various activities and events such as music concerts, art exhibitions, art installations, video-art, theatrical performances, film projections, book presentations. Genoa, Italy.

Stradanuova Teatro Auditorium is a theatre located in Via Garibaldi in the historic centre of Genoa is one of the most important streets of the city from an artistic and architectural point of view. The exhibitions developed by the network of artistic communities F-Orma are hosted in the Auditorium Fayer Strada Nuova.

In this way, it cooperates with a lively and active cultural reality in the area and is available to the public theatre of new cultural opportunities. Tbilisi/Batumi, Georgia. Art | Up – Street Gallery & Fabrika • ფაბრიკა Art | Up – Street Gallery is a movement creating an alternative, non-traditional space of exhibitions worldwide. The concept is to introduce printed digital art by using Art Boxes installed in open spaces and streets, absolutely free and accessible for everyone. Artists can organize personal exhibitions by filling out a special form through the website. Currently, the art boxes are located in Tallinn (Telliskivi Creative City), in Batumi Streets (6 Locations) and Tbilisi in collaboration with Fabrika.