Members’ News – February

1. Communitism Communitism is happy to announce its participation in the Erasmus plus KA2 project…
Published on Jan. 25, 2021

1. Communitism

Communitism is happy to announce its participation in the Erasmus plus KA2 project entitled “Emerging Communities: Empowerment for social engagement, self-organization and development of local solutions” with an international consortium consisting of Verein zur Förderung innovativer Wohn- und Lebensformen e.V. (Germany), Italia che Cambia ( Italy), Grupa za konceptualnu politiku ( Serbia) , Ethos Humanitarian Association ( Greece), Open Cultural Center ( Spain) , imWandel e.V. ( Germany) and ETHOS ( Denmark) .

Our project objectives are directly linked to our shared needs concerning improvement and development of knowledge, skills and capacities in relation to sustainable practices of self-organization, cooperation and commoning in the fields of citizen participation and decision making in social-political processes at the communal level, social housing and use of space, development of local solutions for social inclusion, welfare and self-employment, as well as innovative concepts tackling the growing social and environmental challenges. 

This transnational and multidimensional approach of our project enables a wider knowledge-transfer and exchange of good practice among participating organizations and empowers communities and many other relevant stakeholders at the local, regional, national and European level.


2. Subtopia

Online showcase and conference

Subtopia warmly invites representatives of organisations that present or support performing arts to discover the Nordic and Baltic contemporary circus!

Subcase is a contemporary circus showcase and meeting, with a focus on stimulating and promoting the Nordic and Baltic circus scene. Since 2009, it has been organized in 10 editions, always in collaboration with Swedish, Nordic and Baltic partners. This year we’ve moved it online, rebranding the showcase as Subcase Cyber. It will take place on between 15-21 February 2021. 

Many features will be available all week, while others will take place at defined times. The program includes pitches of Nordic and Baltic circus projects, a two-day event/workshop on the question “Who is left out?”, and different ways of meeting colleagues and artists.

Info and registration on

Produced by Subtopia in collaboration with Nordic and Baltic partners. 

Photo credits: Kiki Muukkonen


3. IlDance


ilYoung is ilDance’s project-based junior dance company which was established in 2012 with the ambition to structure a platform that offers professional experience to young and emerging artists.

This year marks the 8th cycle of ilYoung and we are excited to commission choreographers Israel Aloni (Sweden/Australia) and Keren Rosenberg (The Netherlands) to create two new and original works for ilYoung 2021.

“Self contained” by Israel Aloni interrogates the agency of the self over the physical body. It attempts to discover ways in which we can reclaim the status of the physical body within our current social and political contexts. 

Keren Rosenberg will be creating a new chapter in the series of her artistic research and works titled ‘Going Primal” 

The ilYoung 2021 company will tour Sweden performing the double bill in Gislaved, Malmö, Stockholm, Göteborg, Vänersborg, Säter, Uddevala and Härnösand between 13 August – 12 September 2021.

More information about the touring schedule and tickets will be available on our website soon!

Photo credit: Hedda Axelsson



When the world was thrust into chaos, many cities and countries enforced lockdowns in an attempt to control the Covid-19 pandemic. In Victoria, Australia, Melbourne’s metropolitan area went into the tightest and longest lockdown in the world. 

Twelve residents of Darebin, in the north of the city, volunteered to document elements of their reality during lockdown. 

This is part of their story. 

THESE WALLS is part of the Movement Diaries Film project which is proudly supported by the Darebin City Council’s Community Grants Program


Concept & artistic direction: Israel Aloni

Filmmaker & creative collaborator: Jacob Edmonds

Soundtrack & creative collaborator: Sascha Budimski

Visual art, community engagement & creative collaborator: Megan van de