Greece: The fight for the Culture and Creative Sector

21 May 2020 is a World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. On this…
Published on May 21, 2020

21 May 2020 is a World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. On this day, the cultural and creative community in Athens is preparing a protest in front of the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports to raise their voices for their basic rights. The group is fighting for the cultural and creative sector not to be undermined and underfunded.

With the support of Trans Europe Halles and IETM cultural and creative community in Athens urge for:

  1. Fair share of the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative for culture and creative sector
  2. Compensation for the losses due to cancellations and lockdown
  3. Sufficient protection of intellectual property rights
  4. A clear plan on how and when the re-opening of the cultural sector will happen
  5. Vital investment for the CCS, in the long run, to guarantee the sustainability of the sector.

We invite you to stand with us and support our campaign. Share and be inspired by the PLEA TO RESCUE THE ARTS, which was written by IETM and co-signed by Trans Europe Halles.

Read the full message from Athens’ cultural and creative community here.