Culture Action Europe Danish-Swedish Hub Meeting

To be Nordic or not to be Nordic What is the future of Nordic and…
Published on Jan. 3, 2021

To be Nordic or not to be Nordic

What is the future of Nordic and European transnational funding? What can we collectively say about it from our different perspectives?

Shocking for some and maybe not so shocking for others, the Nordic Council of Ministers has decided to cut down 20 percent to its funding reserved for culture for the next 4 years.  In the context of Nordic societies in transition and on the background of Covid-19, this development calls for space to collectively reflect around the topic, transitional funding schemes. 

As the cultural operators in Denmark and Sweden, it is the right time to connect and come together to:

  • Have a cultural reality check in the Nordic region (Where are we at and with whom?) 
  • (Re)Think about transnational funding infrastructure(s) in the Nordic and European context 
  • Start a conversation between cultural operators and funders in the region 
  • Have a first draft of Nordic Chapter of the Cultural Deal for Europe.

Trans Europe Halles together with Culture Action Europe and the Danish Centre for Arts & Interculture (CKI) are taking the first step to work on those actions. In partnership with Nordisk Kulturfond and Kommunernes Landforening (KL)we are co-organising a hub meeting that will bring together cultural practitioners, funders and key stakeholders in the Nordic region.  

Event details

Date: 13 Jan 2021 14:00 – 17:30 (CET)
Length: 3.5 hours (2 coffee breaks)
Location: Online (Zoom)
Language: English
Facilitator: Niels Righolt, CAE Vice-President (CKI- the Danish Centre for Arts & Interculture)
Speakers: Representatives from the Nordic Culture Fund, Kommunernes Landforening and Culture Action Europe.
Registration: Free for TEH and CAE members in Sweden and Denmark. 

Outcomes of the meeting

We are proud to say that the meeting was a success and resulted in a Nordic Cultural Chapter of Cultural Deal for Europe. It is just a fist step in our campaign to bring culture to the core of Europe’s recovery after COVID-19 pandemic. Let’s make a change together!

This event is part of the #CulturalDealEU campaign.