Co-Creation Lab 2 in Timisoara

What is the DISCE project Last year Trans Europe Halles has joined a consortium, led…
Published on July 16, 2019

What is the DISCE project

Last year Trans Europe Halles has joined a consortium, led by the University of Turku (Finland), in a three-year-long research project intended to reshape the economic and social perception of the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs). The DISCE Project (an acronym for Developing Inclusive & Sustainable Creative Economies), funded by the European Commission under the Horizon2020 Programme, aims to reassess the role of CCIs as contributors to growth, quality employment, competitiveness, and to the attractiveness and social cohesion of cities and regions across the EU. You can read more about the project here.

What is DISCE Co-Creation Lab? 

Within the framework of the DISCE project, we are organising participatory workshops during TEH Meetings in Dresden, Timisoara and Nicosia that focus on strategic development in the cultural sector. For doing so, we are exploring our meeting hosts’ current situation in relation to Creative Workforce and Skills, Business Models and Earning Logics and Inclusive and Sustainable Growth. The workshops are to bring together TEH members from different countries with local stakeholders (staff members of hosting centre, local cultural and creative workers, policymakers, researchers) with the aim of sharing and exchanging our knowledge in strategic planning and cultural policy. You can learn more about Co-Creation labs from the interview with Burak Sayin. The DISCE Co-Creation Lab 1 took place during TEH Conference 87 in Dresden this spring.

What is DISCE Co-Creation Lab in Timisoara about?

It is going to be about connecting research and practice in our sector. The DISCE research team will present the project’s research and Ambasada will present its current challenges. We will explore the boundaries of synthesizing different types of knowledge about our sector around the topics of inclusion, equality and entrepreneurship in our sector.

Who are the facilitators in Timisoara? 

Sandy Fitzgerald (Olivearte) and Jose Rodriguez(TEH)

How do the practicalities work?

Co-Creation Lab 2 takes place on 16 October, Wednesday, 10.00-17.00. The workshop aims to bring together cultural practitioners, researchers and local policymakers. TEH is supporting staff members of 20 member organisations to cover travel and accommodation costs for joining the Co-Creation Lab in TEH Camp Meeting 88.

What is the support about? 

Travel and accommodation (max. 2 nights) costs of staff members from 20 TEH member organisations will be covered up to €500.

How does the support work?

We have organised participating organisations according to 2 different regions of the EU. Travel and accommodation support will be available to staff members of 10 organisations from each region
  • Region 1: Spain, Italy, Greece, France, Cyprus, Portugal, Croatia, Slovenia.
  • Region 2: Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Albania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Serbia, Kosovo, Russia, Belarus, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, and Romania.
* If you attended the Co-creation Lab-1, you will be prioritized for the selection. First 6 spots are reserved for the previous Co-creation participants.

Am I automatically registered for this Co-creation Lab if I joined the first one? 

No. You still need to apply.

Why organisations not individuals?

The project will also support staff members of TEH members for the meeting in Nicosia (October 2020). So we need to keep some level of organisational continuity to make sure that we can reach the impact of the project at a policy level.

What is expected of you? 

  • At least 3 years of experience in the field as a staff member of a TEH member
  • Participating DISCE Co-creation Lab-2 (16 October Wednesday 10:00 – 17:00)
  • Filling in evaluation form after the lab
  • Critical mass, fun, joy, harmony.

Selection and Deadline 

You can apply before 15 August. Prof. Jarna Heinonen(Project leader, University of Turku), Prof. Roberta Comunian(King’s College), Jose Rodriguez (TEH), Sandy Fitzgerald (Olivearte), Burak Sayin (TEH) will select the participants. You will be notified by 6 September if you are selected to participate in the Co-creation lab and for this travel grant. REGISTRATION IS CLOSED! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Olga Rudak at or Burak Sayin at (after 1 September).