Call for Co-evaluators

Call out for Network Project Co-evaluators   We are looking for two organisations to join…
Published on Oct. 12, 2022

Call out for Network Project Co-evaluators


We are looking for two organisations to join our evaluation collaborators, tialt, for the remainder of the Creative Europe network grant period. This will require co-designing evaluation ‘moments’ to be held online and in conference meetings (four sessions over two years), with a total input of around 2 days per organisation. We have a small fee to pay for people’s time in this process (€400 per organisation).

Beyond the fee, we think this is a great opportunity for co-learning between tialt, TEH, and the co-evaluators in how to explore and measure the impact of the network.

We are looking for organisations who have some experience in impact evaluation but are seeking to develop their ideas and skills further in the collaboration. We are particularly interested in people who use creative and participatory methodologies, network mapping, or other qualitative methodologies (tialt will lead on the quantitative data required for Creative Europe).

How to participate

If you are interested in taking part, please answer the following questions and reply to Douglas from tialt ( by   31 October 2022. The first online session will be held in December 2022, and the next in-person sessions at the spring meeting 2023.

Please reply with a maximum of 50 words per question:

  1. What do you think the value of the TEH network is to your, and other members’, work?
  2. What methods or approaches to impact evaluation do you think could be best used to evaluate the impact of the TEH network?
  3. What would you like to learn more of by becoming a co-evaluator?

We will select the co-evaluators based on geography and organisation type, although there will be opportunities for all members to be involved in the evaluation process throughout the grant period.