Re-Source Ukraine

Re-Source Ukraine project aims to support European organizations that help forcibly displaced Ukrainian artists and…

Re-Source Ukraine project aims to support European organizations that help forcibly displaced Ukrainian artists and cultural professionals to re-establish their careers in the European context. 

The project was born with a needs-assessment workshop conducted during TEH Conference 93 in Prague in May 2022. The workshop initiated an in-depth discussion between Ukrainian artists, cultural workers, and European cultural organisations to identify barriers and solutions for integrating Ukrainian artists and audiences into the European cultural scene as artists and engaged community. Participants have also discussed cultural organisations’ main barriers when working with Ukrainian artists, communities and audiences.

To ensure better inclusivity of Ukrainian artists and cultural professionals in European contexts, the project includes art productions that will represent their practices with the connection to the local Ukrainian community and networking events for artists and cultural professionals. The program’s main event is the Ukrainian month in Europe. It will span all across European cultural centers to involve local and Ukrainian artists to talk about a year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, represent their artistic work and involve even more people from wider local audiences.

Who is involved?

TEH EastHub coordinates the project, and the lead partners are TEH members: cultural center Malý Berlín (Slovakia) and IZOLYATSIA. Platform for Cultural Initiatives (Ukraine). 

Project activities are implemented by:

What will happen?

The TEH EastHub coordinates the project activities across seven countries: Georgia, Czechia, Poland, Romania, Moldova, Latvia and Slovakia. The project will initiate a series of events and programs inside seven TEH member’s centers and outside in different cities.

Project activities:

Welcoming Cities: Two events in each country for the local audience and local Ukrainian community, including workshops by Ukrainian artists and artistic production oriented to the general public in the hosting country.

Ukraine Month in Europe:  From February 24th to March 24th, 2023, partner centers in each of the seven countries will organize events by Ukranian artists and promote them to the Ukrainian audience in Europe and the local audiences.

А series of networking events in each of the seven countries for Ukrainian artists and cultural creators to meet local artists and organizations and build collaborations and social and professional networks. In addition, the project will offer a mentorship program for Ukrainian artists and build an Information Center to provide Ukrainian artists and cultural professionals with helpful information about ongoing opportunities, calls, programs, collaborations and more.

Who is it for?

The project partners primarily target Ukrainian artists, cultural and creative professionals, and communities in their countries.  Cultural professionals and management of cultural organizations from the target countries will be engaged as well as anyone interested in the outputs of the project and its methodology.


Resource! Ukraine project is funded by The Swedish Institute.