Balkan Hub

The Trans Europe Halles' Balkans Hub is a collective of independent grassroots cultural and creative organizations spanning the Balkans, from Croatia to Romania and from Serbia to Greece. These organizations are eager to fortify their connections and collaborate on international projects. Despite a fragmented understanding of the region's common history, cultural centers within the hub possess both the ability and enthusiasm to engage in projects that promote unity and inspiration.

At present, the hub is actively engaged in a seed project, generously funded by the Swedish Institute. The primary goal of this initiative is to align the needs and priorities of the participating organizations, identify collaborative ideas, and explore funding opportunities that can bolster their collective economic strength.

Crucially, this project serves as a platform for cultural organizations in the region to amplify their voices in advocating for their needs to local governments. The project is led by TEH in partnership with Anibar.

  1. Anibar
  2. 7 Arte
  3. CDA
  4. Communitism
  5. Contrapose
  6. FITT
  7. Fix in Arte
  8. FNT
  9. Magacin
  10. Maly Berlin
  11. Pogon
  12. Rojc

Partners & Funders