TEH Camp Meeting 98 in Thessaloniki

TEH Camp Meeting 98 will be set in the landscapes of rural Greece,  Epanomi, 30 minutes away from the city of Thessaloniki, where Fix in Art association is located, among olive trees and vineyards, along the Mediterranean sunny coast with views of Mount Olympus.

What we will discuss

The title of this meeting is 'Argatia' - meaning 'bond' in Greek, strong connections forged between generations, neighbours, and cultures.

In other words: everyone in the community comes to help when one is in need.

The meeting will be designed to celebrate and rejuvenate the community spirit and communal living, bridging the past with the present through intergenerational transmission of practices. By sharing experiences in communal bonding, artistic freedom and environmental awareness, we are crafting conditions that nurture freedom of living and sustainability.

Possible sub-themes

  • Sharing Generational Wisdom – Preserving histories, art and culture in community living and sharing
  • Communal conditions to gain freedom and be sustainable
  • Organizing Festivals as community building- Embracing the Entire Village